EVALUATION SYSTEM GUIDELINES In order to complete the course, students must choose from the following options: 1 – Attend workshops and complete a final exam. Weighting – 30% - 70% 2 - Do not attend any workshops and complete a final exam. Weighting – 100% 1. Students choosing to attend classes. Any students choosing this option are expected to be punctual and to follow their timetable with full attendance. They are also required to actively participate in lessons. The student’s final grade will be calculated by (A) assessing activities and work carried out within large or small workshop groups, as well as a (B) a final examination. A) The score of the activities and work carried out in workshops during the course will correspond to 30% of the final score of the student. This score will be calculated by taking into account: - Legal cases. (Practical exercises), public presentations and other student’s work (research work, study of judgments, etc.) B) The score of the final test will correspond to the 70% of the final score of the student. The final test will be based on the complete syllabus. It will include two different parts: - Theoretical test: It shall be made in writing with at least five short questions and a long question. This will correspond to 50% of the final score. - A case study. The student will be allowed to use legal codes two answer the case, however, computers, cellular mobiles or other telematic media is not permitted. This will correspond to 20% of the final score. - The Scholar may require the student to explain and clarify the test. It is necessary to get a score of 4 in the final theoretical test in order to pass the subject “Civil Law I”. If the student elects to take the final test, the examination call will be over even in case he does not deliver the test. However, the score of the activities and works carried out by the student during the course will be counted as a part of the final score in the next examination (September one). 2. - Students choosing not to attend to classes This type of students will only take the final test before an examination committee. The final test will consist of an oral examination including both practical and theoretical questions. Marking Criteria for the Examinations: The evaluation shall particularly assess the theoretical and practical knowledge, the proper use of tools of law enforcement, capacity for critical thinking, the ability to convince through reasonable argument or to engage in substantive debate, and linguistic skills: writing and speaking. TRAINING ACTIVITIES Teaching in the large groups will focus on both the theoretical and practical knowledge of the matter. Furthermore, the small groups will particularly focus on the practical side of the subject. Students will work with legal actual cases in order to be able to use legal data-bases as well as legal codes and statutes. This meant to achieve that the student will be able to understand legal cases, will develop the ability to synthesize legal issues, will draw up basic legal documents, and will be able to resolve the proposed legal problems.
  • Profesor: Torres Perea José Manuel De