All the groups are subjected to the same evaluation procedure. The evaluation of this subject can be done by two different manners:



Activities and work performed during the teaching period  (A) and a final exam (B). This final exam will take place the day established by the Dean's office, and must be done by all the enrolled students.

A) Activities and work performed during the teaching period by each student will be worth 30% of final marks. 

B) While final exam is worth 70% of final marks. This final exam will contain two parts: a written theoretical examination and a practical case.

It is required to get al least a grade of 4/10 in this theatrical examination to be able to pass the subject Civil Law 3.


In these cases the exam will consist on two parties: A written theoretical examination and a practical case. In not case, the activities and work performed during the teaching period by each student will be computed in these extra calls. 

These extra calls may be answered by using legal texts. However, electronic resources will be not accepted. If necessary, the docent may require the student to clarify and explain the exam.

This final exam will contain two parts: a written theoretical examination and a practical case. The written theoretical examination  will be worth 70% of final marks. While practical case is only worth 70% of final marks. It is required to get al least a grade of 4/10 in this theoretical examination to be able to pass the subject Civil Law 3.


In each exam call, the entry in the classroom where the proof takes place will mean that the student deplete the call, irrespective of the fact that he could deliver or not his exam to the docent.


A knowledge of the theoretical content of the subject, the proper use of tools for the application of Law, reflection capacity, critical thinking, the ability to develop legal arguments and to  discuss, as well as the master of written and oral expression will take into account in order to value the performance of the student.

Grades will be published by UMA Alfil system


The evaluation system for part-time students is the same that the one established for the second exam call and following ones. (second Ordinary and the extraordinary ones). In order to be a part-time student is necessary to proof he meets the respective requirements.

This course in focused in giving the students the opportunity to develop two fundamental tools: Firstly, to achieve enough knowledge to focus real cases concerning Family and Successions Law. Therefore, it is necessary a deep knowledge of the basic institutions related to these matters in order to get this target. Secondly, to develop enough analysis abilities to know what legal approach is adequate to apply in every familiar or successional legal conflict. The latter means, to choose between different legal tools the one that may be better adapted to a specific case.

Blatantly obvious, the first task is a theoretical one; and the second one is a practical one, certainly connected to case law, however, both are necessary to deep in the knowledge and application of Family Law and Succession Law.



  • Profesor: Torres Perea José Manuel De